Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My birthday

Monday was my 39th birthday! It bothered me. Why, I don't know. It's just another day, really. The more I thought about it, the less it bothered me.

I went about my normal routine, even going to the Y for kickboxing. We took the kids to eat, just like every other Monday. My friends, college students and most of my family called to wish me a happy day. One even reminded me that being 39 was better than being pregnant and another better than being 39 AND pregnant.

I did treat myself to a facial and some new make-up.

I am 39! Whoo hoo. My kids are healthy, Courtney's health is stable, I am healthy, we have jobs, a roof over our heads, food to eat, cars to drive, clothes to wear, pets to play with, friends to chat with, hobbies to enjoy, etc. Some of our friends don't. So, it is time to just go on and that is what I am gonna do. Being 39 isn't going to bother me anymore.

We have too much living to do. This is an exciting month in our family. My baby is turing 18 and graduating from high school. Ari will be getting her license soon, Connor is leaving one school and moving to another and Hunter is reading.

So my challenge to you--live, enjoy and celebrate each day!


Tamara said...

Happy Birthday girl...Way to focus on the you and hope to see you soon.

The Brineys said...

hi cindi!
I just wanted to say i love you!
Miss you guys!