Monday, August 18, 2008

Prayer for my Brother in Law

Me with my pain in butt brother in law. I love him can't you tell!

My brother in law, David is having "some heart" issues. I was hoping to know more before I posted, but it seems his doctors are taking the hurry up and wait for our answer response.

He has been in the hospital since late Saturday night suffering from antricular vibralation--I hope I got that right. He has had some tests and they have switched his medications. I spoke to my sister a few minutes ago and she said the medicine kicked in this morning and David could really tell a difference in how he felt. They are hoping he can go home tonight or tomorrow. They didn't have the results of the testing, but the medication was working and I think they are both anxious to have him home.

I will try to post when I know more. Please pray for him, my sister and their children.

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