Sunday, January 6, 2008


That is just how I would describe today. First, we went to Sunday school and church. We stopped at the store on the way home and then we did something we haven't done in a while. We ate lunch together at the dining room table. It was so nice to sit together, hold hands as Courtney prayed, and visit about the impending year. So many things will happen this year. Ari will get her driver's license, Brittni will graduate high school, Connor will turn 10, and Hunter will go to first grade. Wow! I am excited, but sad. Sad for all the things that Brittni won't be here for this time next year. She is moving out of the house in August, and I would bet money she won't come back. She is such an independent spirit that she will do fine on her own. But, how will I handle it? I honestly don't know.

Courtney and I are the kind of parents that do everything with our kids. We even take them to eat with us on our anniversaries. Now, we do go out some just the two of us, but for the most part we are a "family". We all shoot archery together, the girls go on hunting weekends with Courtney, and we have family nights periodically through the month. I am sad that Brittni won't be in on some of that next year. I know, I will survive, but it is sad for me to face.

Today as we drove to church Billy Ray Cyrus' song "Ready, Set, Don't Go" came on the radio. As we were singing along, tears came to my eyes. Brittni asked what was wrong. I told her, I love this song, but it hits a little to close to home for me. She laughed, but I think she knows just how I feel.

Anyway, back to today. Courtney has spent the afternoon with the boys. Connor is racing in a RA Racer derby next week, so they are busy readying his car. Santa brought the boys new bows for Christmas, so in between sanding, and melting lead for weights, they boys are shooting with their dad. Brittni had to work, so she has been gone for most of the afternoon, but before she left we sat down and watched a movie together. Ari has been stuck in her room reading a book that she has to test on tomorrow. As someone who works in education, I don't see the point in assigning a book to read over Christmas break, but some teachers don't agree. Right now, she is taking a break and driving her dad to Walmart for more lead.

I love days like today. Nothing special going on, but lots of activity in the house. The weather is about 70 and we are all wearing shorts. I even took the Christmas lights down barefooted. Like I said, it is a Beautiful day.

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